Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tubular Gauze / Retainers

Tubular Gauze / Retainers
Ankle injuries are common (estimated at 600 000 attendances at accident and emergency departments per year in the United Kingdom), and 30% of patients may have continuing symptoms. To read more please click here.
Surgilast Tubular Elastic Bandage Retainer, Surgitube Tubular Gauze, Tubigrip Elastic Tubular Bandage

Tapes / Adherent Wraps

Tapes / Adherent Wraps
A latex-free version of Coban Self-Adherent Wrap is available. The wrap adheres without adhesive or clips, can be adjusted easily, and won't slip or stick to the patient's skin. It can be used to protect primary dressings, control edema, wrap splints and arm boards, and secure intravenous and other devices, according to 3M Health Care. To read more please click here.
3M Coban Self-Adherent Wrap, Adhesive Silk Tape, Clear Plastic Surgical Waterproof Tape, Medipore Cloth Tape, Transpore Tape 1 x 1.5 YD

Tape Closures

Tape Closures
SIR,-The two papers on sutureless skin closure and subsequent correspondence lead me to offer a technique of sutureless skin closure which has been in use for a good many years. I do not know the inventor of the method. To read more please click here.
2nd Skin Cut Closure, Sterile-Strip Adhesive Skin Closure, Sterile-Strip Blend Tone 1/8

Sponges, Non-woven

Sponges, Non-woven
A side-by-side evaluation of a first set of "control" sponges with a second set of sponges prepared and treated in accordance with the present invention was performed.
To read more please click here.
Curity O.B. Sponge, Gauze Packing Strip Sterile, Soft Sponge Sterile, Versalon Nonwoven All-purpose Sponge

Diabetic Corner

How to Attract Qualified Sales Leads to Your Website
There are many ways to increase your website traffic, but traffic really is not the key. The key factor is trying to get qualified sales leads and customers. I would rather get 25 people that are actually looking to purchase a new website than 2500 people that are not. Listed below are some of the ways you can get the kind of visitors you want. I will however, keep the descriptions short as I will be writing a full article about each one of these topics in upcoming months. Keep in mind that some of these techniques will not work for every business but most will. TRY THEM, THEY WORK! 1. YOUR PAGE TITLES. Your page titles should be short and descriptive and should be 5 to 8 words. This is a safe amount for all search engines and will insure people searching for your website will be able to read your page title when the search engine results are displayed. This is a very important tag for search engine placement. Your title should be in the header of your HTML code and should look something like this.
Web Site Promotion - Increasing Your WebSite Traffice
2. KEYWORDS AND PHRASES. Look at every one of the pages in your website and prepare a list of keywords and key phrases that go along with the content of each page in your website. If they end up to be the very similar, simply rotate them so that you don't have the same keywords in the same position on every page. So many people make the mistake of placing keywords on their first page and no where else. Your keywords should be different on every page of your website. You should also be careful not to repeat any words more than 3 times and you should not have more than 30 keywords in your page. Your keywords should also go in the header section of your HTML page and should be in a meta-tag that the search engines can read. If after a while you are not getting the traffic you expected try changing your keywords and resubmitting to the search engines.
"KEYWORDS" content"promoting, promotion, Website promoting,"
3. PAGE DESCRIPTION. Write a precise description of every page in your website using as many of the keywords that you prepared in step 2. Try to leave out as many filler words as possible, like if, that, is, are, to leave more space for the keywords. This is the description that the user will see when the search results are displayed. The description will also be placed in the header section of your HTML page. And again will be in a meta-tag. Your description should be about 200 to 250 characters in length.
"DESCRIPTION" content"Increase your Website traffic using, meta-tags, descriptions, and effect page titles"4. PAGE CONTENT. Your page content is also very important to search engine placement. The content of your pages should be keyword rich and should be about the same subject of the keywords and phrases in your meta-tags. Don't try to fool the search engines, it will only hurt your placement. Again try to leave out as many of the filler words as you can saving more room for the important words and phrases. Your page design should not include frames, to date there are only 2 search engines that understand frames, the rest don't. 5. SUBMIT YOUR PAGE TO THE SEARCH ENGINES AND DIRECTORIES. There are so many search engines in many different countries, among the largest are Alta Vista, Infoseek, HotBot, Excite, Lycos, just to name a few. There are also many services on the net that will charge you to submit your site to all these search engines ranging from $25.00 to $250.00 dollars. WHY PAY for something that you can do yourself, FREE. Unless you really don't have the time, I would recommend using this service here: http://www.addme.com/submission.htm Fill in one form and this script will submit your site to 30 search engines. Do this once a month or every other month to keep the search engines up to date with changes to your pages. 6. SUBMIT YOUR PAGE TO YAHOO. Yahoo is the most important and a highly visited directory on the internet. This is probably the single most important submission you can make, however it must be done manually unless you have expensive software to do just that. Instructions can be found at Yahoo. http://www.yahoo.com/docs/info/include.html
7. REQUEST LINKS ON SITES THAT PERTAIN TO YOUR INDUSTRY. Search for sites that support your industry, such as trade organizations and suppliers. Write the webmaster a nice letter or email asking for a reciprocal link to your site and in return put a link on your site to theirs. 8. INCLUDE YOUR URL ON STATIONERY, CARDS, AND LITERATURE. Make sure that all your business card, letterheads and brochures have your web page address and email. 9. KEEP THEM COMING BACK WITH A FREE USEFUL SERVICE. If your a realtor, put a free amortization calculator on your website, free reports, free email address and useful things that make them bookmark your site and keeps them coming back. If you sell used equipment or merchandise, add an Auction to your site. Be creative, there are a host of free CGI scripts on the internet, get one and install it. The largest resources I have seen are listed below. You will have to know how to install CGI scripts but if you can't do it ask your webmaster or Hosting Service to install it for you.
The CGI Resource Index http://www.cgi-resources.comSearch Script http://www.scriptsearch.com (5400 scripts) Hot Scripts http://www.hotscripts.com/10. START A RESELLER OR ASSOCIATE PROGRAM. Just about every business can use a sales force. One of the secrets to being successful on the net is to duplicate yourself and your efforts. These sites will show you how to do it.http://www.associateprograms.comhttp://atlnetwork.comhttp://associate-it.com 11. LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Do a search on the search engines for your local city, town and state. Many have local business directories that are free to place ads or links on. Write them a short email and description about your business. 12. START AN OPT-IN MAIL LIST OR NEWSLETTER. People love to belong and be accepted. You can start an eGroup (email group) for your business to keep your visitors, customers, suppliers up to date on just about any topic you desire. Learn how here. http://www.egroups.com13. BUY KEYWORDS FROM THE SEARCH ENGINES. Very few people know that you can buy "keywords and phrases" from all the top search engines. Buying keywords will insure excellent engine placement. Make a short list of your most important keywords and phrases. Contact the sales department at the major search engines and ask them what it would cost for each one of your keywords and phrase. The cost will depend on what words you are asking for and the number of times that they are searched for on that particular engine. They keep close track on every search that is placed with there service. If your in the right business you might be surprise at how inexpensive this can be, however if you are in the type of business that is very "big business" like cosmetics or web development, your budget probably won't allow for this type of cost. 14. KEEP A DATABASE OF VISITORS. Keep all your contacts that you obtain through your website for future use, you will want to use them later for such things as announcements, specials and sales. Always respond quickly to any inquires you get from your website. The internet is a "instant gratification" medium, meaning people don't like to wait. I would also suggest setting up an Auto-Responder for your website. 15. CREATE A "SIGNATURE" IN YOUR OUT GOING E-MAILS. Most e-mail programs such as Eudora, Microsoft and Netscape allow you to designate a "signature" to appear at the end of each message you send. Limit it to 6 to 8 lines: Company name, address, phone number, URL, e-mail address, and a description of your business offerings. 16. NEWS GROUPS. There are over 40,000 news group on the net on just about every topic you can imaging. Find some pertaining to your industry and partake in the discussions. Do not send Advertisements to these groups, let the Signature File At the bottom of your email do the work for you. Use a service like DejaNews http://www.dejanews.com or the news client in Microsoft Outlook or Netscape with the news service that your ISP subscribes to, and most of them do. 17. HAVE A MONTHLY CONTEST. People love getting something for free. Usually no matter what business your in, whether your selling products or a service you should be able to do this one. Having a contest brings a surprising amount of people to your site. If you sell baskets for example, give one basket away per month, or every other month. There are many places on the net to announce a contest.
18. TRACK YOUR VISITORS. I also highly suggest adding a Tracker to your website. Trackers will tell you where your visitors found your website, keywords they used, what country they're from, day of the week, time and a many other statistics that will allow you to tweak and change your website and really know what advertising is working for you. There are many Free Trackers available but the one I suggest is http://www.extreme-dm.com/19. ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS. If you are really serious about making money on-line, you must accept credit cards. There a couple of ways to do this, however. You can add a shopcart service like AmeriCart http://www.americart.com , I have used this service for some of my clients and they are very professional and the service works very well. This will save you from having to buy a Site Certificate to add security or SSL to your site, a site certificate runs about 300.00 dollars and your hosting service usually charges and estimated 20.00 per month for the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) The only draw back to a service like AmeriCart is that you will need to have an existing Merchant Account which you can set up through your local bank Another alternative is a service like Total Merchant Solutions (TMS) which will accept and verify credit cards over the net. This is a little more expensive but easiest way since there is no intervention required from you, except to fill the order. A service like this will automatically deposit your money directly into your account.
20. BANNERS. There are many ways to drive traffic to your site that other marketers may recommend, such as banner exchange programs, awards programs, Free For All Link Pages, etc. etc. etc. They in fact add very little value to your site or business, and even distract your visitors away from your products, when you've worked so hard to get them there. I just hate to go to sites that are filled with other peoples banners. If your going to do banners, do them right, buy space for your banner on other sites that will drive the kind of traffic to your site that you need, and keep other peoples banners off your site if you can. If you need banners try this on-line banner maker, it's free and it's fast. http://www.animationonline.com/I have certainly not even touched on all the ways to generate sales leads to your website. The business of E-Commerce is basically a numbers game. The more links and more search engines you are listed in, the better chance of your success. Advertising on the internet is just like any other business, YOU HAVE TO WORK IT in order to succeed. Success is a very relative term, success is not making a Million dollars on the internet, unless that is the goal you set. If you planned to make a hundred dollars and you've made a hundred and one, you have been successful. Set your goals and achieve them!
About the Author:Robert Boilard is a professional developer, marketing strategist and one of the principals' at i4Market, LLC. Since 1993 Robert has been producing successful website and marketing campaigns for companies from the 2 person office up to the Fortune 500's. Visit us today!
Specialty Wound Care, Tracheostomy Care, Urological Catheters, Urological Collection Devices, Vitamins / Oral Medications, Wheelchairs / Accessories, Women´s / Infant

Diabetic Corner

eCommerce. You hear it everywhere, every time you turn around. It certainly is one of the "buzz words" on the internet right now and for good reason. eCommerce is an excellent additional avenue to sell your products and services, and for many companies it is the only avenue. We're not saying that every business should consider an eCommerce website, because in many cases it would just not be advantageous for certain companies to do so. However, if you have a product or service that is easily shipped or sold over the internet, whether it be business to business, retail or wholesale, you may want to consider an eCommerce website, Intranet or Extranet. "How exactly does eCommerce work"? This has to be the most frequently asked question we get. They know people are buying online and they know they have to accept credit cards if they want to stand a chance in all the internet-based competition. Beyond that realization, most are uncertain as to how it all works. There are actually many ways to do eCommerce, since eCommerce means different things to many people. Some people feel that by having just an online order form makes a site an eCommerce one. This is not the whole picture though. We will explain your options and let you decide what "eCommerce" means to you and your business. There are five major components of eCommerce, the Merchant Account, the Shopping System, the Payment Gateway (for real-time-processing), the Hosting Service and the Security System. Before you even start thinking about all the orders that you are going to be bringing in, you need to make some very important decisions up front. You need to decide how you are going to process orders and how you are going to accept payments. There are a variety of ways. Processing orders. Simple non-secure order form sent to your email. Secure order form sent to your email. Shopping Cart System with database (Recommended) Using a 3rd party Shopping Cart Service. (NOT RECOMMENDED) Accepting Payments Checks, COD's and Bank Drafts only. (Don't expect a lot of orders) Manual Credit Card processing. Real Time Credit Card Authorizations (Recommended) Third Party Merchant Account (Shared Account) (NOT RECOMMENDED) Depending on what you decide, you are going to need different tools to set up your Order Processing and Payment System. 1. The Merchant Account Any type of real eCommerce requires a Merchant Account and this really is your first step toward eCommerce, unless of course you have chosen to go through a 3rd party like RegSoft, PayPal or ClickBank and are willing to give up a rather large portion of your profits. These companies can take up to 15% of your sales to process your orders for you, PayPal being one of the lowest! Depending on what company you go through, the up-front costs of a merchant account can be hefty for a small business, but the long-term savings can be substantial. i4Market highly recommends Millennium Bank Card systems. The best part about Millennium is it's free to setup. Your cost are just 2.25% of what you sell and 29 cents per transaction with a $10.00 monthly Statement/Customer service fee. You can also obtain a Gateway Account with Authorize.net at the same time for an additional $20.00 per month. (Talk to Kent and tell him i4Market sent you)! - Note: we will explain the Gateway Account Below. A merchant account comes with a merchant identification number. That is about all it gets you. In order to process transactions manually you'll also need either a POS (Point Of Sale) terminal (the little box that you swipe your credit card through at retail outlets), a Virtual Terminal software that runs on your PC and will dial up the bank via your modem or a credit terminal. Even if you decide to go with Real Time Credit Card Processing you will still need some type of terminal to process orders that are called-in, faxed in and/or mailed in, also for any returns or credits. Please note: Authorize.net and most other gateway systems usually provide a Web-Based terminal for your use within your account. 2. The Shopping System If you are selling just one or two items on your site you won't have much need for a shopping cart. A site with a variety of products should use the shopping cart system because it's the easiest way for your customers to shop. The easier it is to shop, the more they will spend, which is exactly the psychology supermarkets use, and exactly how shoppers are similar whether in a supermarket or scanning through your website. So shopping carts are good. But how will they work with your merchant account and the all-important payment system (or gateway)? If the orders placed on your site are to be processed manually with the customer's credit card as a sale through your PC, Web or POS terminal, then there doesn't have to be any compatibility between your shop-cart and your merchant account. The two will work completely independent of each other, each doing its part of the job but with your help. If, on the other hand, you would like all of your incoming orders to be automatically processed for you as the customer hits the submit button, you will need "real time processing with a gateway account. By doing this the only thing you have to do is fulfill the customer's order. There are many choices when selecting a Shopping System but some of the most important should be functionality, (does it do what you need it to do), ease of use, and compatibility. Shopping systems like anything else now days can be purchased or leased, and both ways have their advantages and disadvantages. However, i4Market highly recommends purchasing your own to maintain control and your user's financial and order information and your database - Don't trust this to a 3rd party Shop-Cart since all your customers data and your entire product database will reside on their server, not yours! 3. SSL Certificate i4Market also highly recommends the purchase of an SSL Site Certificate. This Certificate provides security for the credit card information from the user's browser through your website and then into the Gateway. Again you have two choices; 1- you can use your Hosting Service's SSL certificate (if they provide this service), however the secure address will not be https://www.yourdomain.com but would look more like https://webp1.yourhost.com/your-account-name/. We suggest you purchase a site certificate in order to keep the SSL with-in your domain. Notice the addition of the "s" on the end of https in the URLs above - this is usually one way to insure the page is secured. The other way is the indication of a Lock in the lower part of your browser which will look something like this FPRIVATE. For Microsoft Internet Explorer users the lock will be on the lower right side of your browser window and on the lower left side for Netscape users. A site certificate usually ranges from USD $99.00 to $800.00 depending on the vendor and level of security and must be renewed every year. Certificates can be purchased from companies like GeoTrust, VeriSign and a handful of others. Please note; a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is not an absolute requirement since everything will work without it, however many people will not purchase from websites that do not have SSL. You also run the risk of data-jacking if you do not have a Site Certificate installed, data-jacking is when a hacker actually intercepts the data while it is being transferred. 4. Gateway Account We mentioned the Gateway many times in the above article and here's how it works. Once the user sends his order it is transferred from his machine (or more specifically, his browser) to the Shop-Cart and is protected by the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), the server then hands off the data to the Payment Gateway. Gateways are services like Authorize.net™, CyberCash™, iBill™ and a host of others and is the actual link between your website and the banking networks. These services usually offer both the Gateway and the Processor. The Gateway is simply the door into the ATM banking network, and the Processor is what actually handles the Financial data and must be able to communicate with your Shop-Cart. The processor accepts the data from the shop-cart and brings it in to the ATM network, where it is now just like any other credit card transaction. Once in the ATM network, it connects to the Customers Credit Card Issuer, it then submits the data and waits for a Yes or No answer as to whether the transaction is approved or declined. After this, the whole process starts again in reverse order to give the user feedback as to the status of their transaction. If the order is accepted, it will then charge the order amount to the customer's account and sends the Gateway an authorization code. The Customers Bank will then settle the remainder of the transaction at a later time when they do their batch settlement processing, this is usually at the end of each business day. But for now, the user has his authorization and you have your order! When the bank performs it settlements, the sale amount will then be deposit into your bank account, minus any fees that that may apply to the sale. For this reason, the funds may not show up in your account for 24 - 48 hours after the actually sale has been completed. All that is required of you, is to fulfill the customer's order.

Payment Diagram
1. Consumer places an order with the merchant through any number of sales channels: Web Site, Call Center, Retail, Wireless or Broadband. 2. Authorize.Net detects an order has been placed, securely encrypts and forwards the Authorization Request to the Consumer's Credit Card Issuer to verify the consumer's credit card account and funds availability. 3. The Authorization (or Decline) Response is returned via Authorize.Net to the Merchant. Round trip this process averages less than 3 seconds. 4. Upon approval, the Merchant fulfills the consumer's order. 5. Authorize.Net sends the settlement request to the Merchant Account Provider. 6. The Merchant Account Provider deposits transaction funds into the Merchant's Checking Account.
The Shop-Cart is what keeps track of the user's order while they are shopping. When they are done and are ready to pay for their merchandise, they submit their order. Once they submit their order it is handed to the Shop-Cart secured by the SSL and sent to the Gateway for Processing. As you can see the Shop-Cart is only a small piece of the puzzle.
If you're on a tight budget, the extra fees involved in real-time processing might be better used to aggressively advertise and drive customer traffic to your site. Processing a few orders per day doesn't take very long and until you find it to be more time-consuming to process the orders yourself, you are probably better off processing a small amount of orders manually.
If on the other hand you are starting with a healthy budget and an aggressive marketing plan, you will probably be better off implementing real-time processing right from the start. Changing order-processing methods can sometimes result in system down time and you don't want anything to slow down your momentum once you've started.
So Who do you Choose to Make All this Work?
Choosing the right company for this task is perhaps the most important decision you can make. No one is an expert in all areas of eCommerce, because there are so many variables and options depending on which configurations of hosts, shop-carts, certificates, gateways and merchants accounts you choose. You'll need a company that is experienced in eCommerce and making all the pieces work together. i4Market is that company!
eCommerce can appear simple once you understand how all the components work together. A merchant account allows you to accept credit cards, your hosting company shows your website to the world, your shopping cart helps your customers shop and order more easily, the SSL certificate protects your user's financial data and your liability and the Gateway allows real-time processing. All independent components working together to make your job easier, more productive and profitable.
About the Author:Robert Boilard is a professional developer, marketing strategist and one of the principals' at i4Market, LLC. Since 1993 Robert has been producing successful website and marketing campaigns for companies from the 2 person office up to the Fortune 500's. Visit us today!

Patient Lifts / Accessories, Personal Protect / Gloves, Prof Use and Diagnostic, Respiratory, Scooters / Accessories, Seating / Cushions, Skin Care, Socks / Stockings, Specialty Medical Equipment

Diabetic Corner

Of all the of websites on the net there are many of them that use frames in some capacity or another. I've been to many of them and I stop and check the code to see if there done right. Yes, there is a Right way to use frames, however, if done wrong frames can be your worst mistake. Let me explain.
When you use frames it poses some problems for you, the search engines and ultimately your search engine positioning. There are trade offs that you have when you use frames and just a couple of them are listed here.
1. Sites that use frames are harder to build. They have to be perfect or you'll have pages that you don't want displaying in the wrong place. 2. You lose valuable screen space, the more frames and scroll bars the less working area you have. 3. They are confusing to the novice user to bookmark and print. When a user tries to bookmark or print a page on your site and maybe a certain product they may bookmark or print just your header, footer or menu depending on what frame they have selected at the time. This alone could lose you a sale and a maybe a new customer. 4. Believe it or not there are still people surfing the net with non-frames browsers and many cases webmasters build a No Frames version anyway or at minimum have to put full navigation on the framed pages.
5. They pose a major technical problem with search engines. To date there are very few search engines that know how to handle frames correctly. But what about all the other ones? When they crawl your page, what do they see? If your site uses frames, you can find out here what your page looks like to the search engines here. http://www.anybrowser.com/EngineView.html
If you visited the above site and didn't like what you discovered, read on. You can overcome the way search engines look at your site. First, your frames page should have a NOFRAMES section with a referring link to a Contents page or Site Map, that will have a link to every page in your website.

The defacto standard has been to just put a note in the noframes section saying that "Your browser does not support Frames" and leaving the viewer no choice but to use the BACK button. However if you put in this section a reference to a contents page that the browsers and engines can follow (as above), they will bypass the frame and index all the pages on the contents page. 6. You have to (or you should) put full navigation controls on each and every page any ways, just in case someone comes into your site through the back door (and they will). What I mean by this is someone loading a page with out the frames page and if they do they will not have any navigation on the page and thus don't see the rest of your site.
Now there is a way around this also, it's called JavaScript. By putting the code below in the head section of your pages (except your frames page) you can insure that 99% of users will load your frames page. The only way they won't is if they have their Java turned off or they have a non-java compatible browser. What this script does is checks to see if the page is inside a frame or loaded by itself, if it is it will instantly load the Frames information. Put this code in the head of your pages and change the index.html to the name of your main frames page.

The reason we are using JavaScript here instead of a fast meta-refresh is simple, search engines penalize pages that use a meta-refreshes and the meta tag itself cannot determine if it's in a frame or not.
Now I am not saying that Frames are bad, and in some case they are absolutely necessary. In my professional opinion, frames are good if they are used correctly, have a purpose, and add value to your site. I'll simplify that for you. If you don't need them don't use them.
About the Author:Robert Boilard is a professional developer, marketing strategist and one of the principals' at i4Market, LLC. Since 1993 Robert has been producing successful website and marketing campaigns for companies from the 2 person office up to the Fortune 500's. Visit us today!

Incontinence, Infusion/IV Supplies, Lift Chairs / Geri Chairs, Lympedema Pumps / Accessories, Medications / OTC, Needles / Syringes, Orthopedics, Ostomy, Pain Management

Monday, September 17, 2007

Diabetic Corner

Search Engine Secrets Get Top Listings On Google and Yahoo
Let me show you How to Get Top Listings for every page of your site and Rank No. 1 for all of your Keywords in the Search Engines - Guaranteed. Did you believe this? If your like me you've probably seen a million pages and emails like this that claim they can work miracles for you in all the search engines. They claim everything from having inside information or special relationships with Google and all the search engines. The simple Truth is this: No one can guarantëe top listings on any search engine, in fact, no one can even guarantëe that you'll ever be listed. So beware of big claims and unethical SEO firms as there are many out there.So how do you get top listings in the major search engines. Let me try to answer that as simply as I can without thoroughly confusing you. CONTENT - yes that's right... content is still king... the more you try to fool search engines the more damage you'll do to your rankings. Search engines are getting smarter and smarter and they have seen every trick in the book done by every unethical SEO/SEM firm and spammer out there. So don't fall prey to the hype and false claims. Here's the big Search Engine Secrët Well Written and Related Content, Relevant Page Titles and Meta-tag Descriptions. So there you have it, the secrët is out... if anyone tries to tell you different or convince you otherwise - put away your checkbook and run. Yes, there are other things you can do to help your rankings using the 3 items above and a few more. How to Improve Your Chances in the Search Engines Rankings:• • • Know your top keywords.. Use Yahoo's Keyword Tool(http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/) or Google's Sandbox (https://adwords.google.com/select/main?cmd=KeywordSandbox) to find what users are actually typing into the search engines to find sites like yours. Once you have all your top keywords - don't löse them... you will use these over and over and over again. • • • Use your top keywords in the content of your pages, in your page titles and in your metaa-tag descriptions. I don't mean to use pages that are filled with nothing but keywords - use them in Real Sentences. Pages that are nothing but keywords will hurt you in the search engines, this is called keyword stuffing and will hurt your rankings or worse yet, get your site delisted or banned from the search engines. Simply take your current site content and use your top keywords in appropriate places where they make sense in real sentences.• • • Don't over use keywords or try to use too many on one single page. Having your main keyword in the title, the description and a couple times in the page content is usually sufficient. Do this for every page of your site optimizing it for the subject of that particular page using the relevant keywords from your research. I see so many sites with the same Title and Meta Descriptions on every page. Make sure yours are different. • • • Get as many high value links as possible. Best way to determine High Value links is to install the Google Toolbar and use Google's Page Rank to determine link value. You can also use our PR Tool . The higher the rank the better. You may have to pay for links on PR7 or higher sites - but don't pay too much. You can also use Alexa Traffic Rank or their toolbar. The more High Value links you have, the better your Search Engine Popularity will be. • • • Install Link Exchange Software... but be selective about the link exchanges you approve. • • • Add value added relevant content to your site, such as articles, news, blogs or tools related to your business or industry. This will increase your search engine saturation. A site with 100 pages of good quality content has much a better chance of being found than a site with only 10 pages. • • • Use Google XML Site Maps or find a company that will create one for you. • • • Offer a site map to your users with links that point to the important parts of your site. If the site map is largër than 100 or so links, break the site map into separate pages.• • • Try to use text instead of images to display important names, content, or links. Search Engines do not recognize text contained in images or flash content. If you must use images, then always use the Alt tag to describe the link. • • • Chëck for broken links and correct HTML. • • • If you decide to use dynamic pages (i.e., the URL contains a "?" character), be aware that not every search engine spider crawls dynamic pages. It helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them few. Don't use "&id=" as a parameter in your URLs, since Google does not include these pages. • • • Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100). • • • Make use of the robots.txt file on your web server. This file tells crawlers which directories can or cannot be crawled. Make sure it's current for your site so that you don't accidentally block the spiders from content you want included. • • • Understand the difference between a Search Engine and a Directory. A Search engine uses spidering technology and will search the web for new sites. Directories will not seek you out and you will have to tell them about your new site manually. • • • Revisit your keywords on a regular basis. There are a 1000 way to search for the same thing, search patterns change from time to time. You'll want to keep up with those changes.• • • Submit your site to the search engines, if it has nevër been submitted or you are not listed in that particular engine. Most search engines still have a frëe submit for the "Natural Listings", yet they may not be easy to find. You can find Google's ADD URL at: • • • Submit your site to Directories including Yahoo! and DMOZ. DMOZ is the Open Directory Project and is used to power thousands of other sites and directories - Inclusion in this directory gets you links in 1000's of other sites. DMOZ is also the directory Google uses (). What Not To Do -- Don't Use hidden text or links.-- Don't Use doorway or gateway pages.-- Don't Use pages that redirect users to other places. -- Don't use any type of cloaking technology - no matter how great it sounds. It might work for a short time - but you will get caught.-- Don't use Flash content for important information. Flash is an application that is completely invisible to most search engines. Flash is good for animations and other page elements - not for an entire site unless you also have an html version.-- Don't Use misleading or overly repeated words.-- Don't Use Bait & Switch tactics... they don't work.-- Don't Use Duplicate sites or pages.-- Stay away from Free-For-All or Link Farm schemes because these will only hurt you. There are many things that affect your rankings other than just the content on your pages, so DON'T obsess about being Number 1 - you may nevër get there no matter what you do. Your time is better spent operating your business in areas you have more control over. Following the above guidelines will get you the best results your site can achieve. That's not to say that there is not more you can do - but these are the main items that will affect your rankings in the SERP's (Search Engine Result Pages). The internet is a huge place and technology changes all the time - so do the search engines - a site that is Number 1 today might be #1001 tomorrow. You can try to do all this yourself or you can hire a company that specializes in SEO/SEM (Search Engine Optimization & Search Engine Marketing), however beware, there are many that will separate you from your monëy quickly and leave you with little to no results. We suggest you take some advice from Google (http://www.google.com/intl/en/webmasters/seo.html) concerning selecting an SEO firm for your company. Above all else - remember this - There are NO GUARANTEES in any type of marketing campaigns, be it on the web, in print, on television or radio. So spend prudently and select your Marketing firm wisely!
About The Author
Robert Boilard is a professional developer, marketing strategist and one of the principals' at i4Market, LLC. Since 1993 Robert has been producing successful websites and marketing campaigns for companies from the 2 person office to the Fortune 500's.

Aids to daily living, Ambulatory Products, Bath Safety, Beds / Accessories, Core Wound Care, Diabetic, Enteral / Nutrition, Home Diagnostics, Impotence

Diabetic Corner

How to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings

When talking about search engine rankings many people ask themselves questions like; how many keywords should I put in my anchor text? What is the keyword density that I should have on the page? Should I use short copy or should I use long copy? Can I use flash or not? How many keywords should I put in my "alt" text? Etc... A general statement to answer the above questions is that "magic numbers do not exist." The most important thing you can understand as a search engine optimization expert is that algorithms change. Just when you think you understand what is going to make you number one for a key phrase in a search engine, something could easily change, and you might have to spend months or even years trying to figure the new algorithm.It is better not to try to reverse engineer the algorithm, do something much easier instead... observe your top competitors. All you need to do is to understand what elements your competitors are using to make them rank in the top positions. The main elements to getting top search engines rankings are: Number, quality, and relevance of inbound links pointing to your site Fresh, relevant, quality content (needs to be added frequently) Keyword density of your home page or any page you want to rank highly Links, Links, Links The first thing to observe from your competitors' sites is their inbound links. This means the number of sites that have a link pointing to their website. You can easily measure it by going to Google and typing: "link://www.yourcompetitorssite.com". However do not only do this on Google because they don't show all actual links pointing to a site. Yahoo and MSN tend to show a lot more of the back links to any given website. Part of the observation should be not only what the links say, but where the links come from. Think about what the category is that those links come from. If you start to see a recurring pattern, you should start actively searching for links coming from that category.Some marketers use special software for robotic content creation. They generate thousands of pages with links pointing to their sites. This practice can be very dangerous, as Google will penalize unnatural linking or violations of their terms of service. And what happens is that those links do not look natural. One day one site may have 50 links and the following day have 2000 links, which all say the same thing and come from the same IP address. If you understand how to observe, this will never happen to you. You will learn how to look at your competitors, and observe how they are getting linked to. Then, just do what they do. Fresh Quality Content The second thing to observe is how much fresh content the top sites have. Search engines love quality relevant content that is added and updated frequently. You will probably notice that the top sites in your niche have many articles and other quality content, and are continuously adding new content to their sites. People that surf the web are usually searching for information, so content is the "fuel" of Internet traffic. If you want to attract many potential customers to your site, then you need to make sure that you provide enough content which is relevant to their interests. Updating it frequently with more quality content will keep visitors coming back to your website over and over again.Keyword Density The third thing you need to observe is the keyword density of your competitors. How many times should you repeat your main keywords? In which part of the web page should your main keywords be mentioned? Again, there is no magic number, it's all about observing and measuring against the top websites in your market. But what should you measure? - Meta tags- Alt tags- Titles- Names of the images on the page- Heading tags: h1, h2, h3...- Frequency and position of the keywords in the body textEach one of these items should be measured independently. There are tools to run keyword density against your competitors. If you run them against the top 3 or 5 sites, you may start to understand the secrets of top rankings. Again, your keyword density needs to look natural; otherwise you may fail in overall optimization. This is when you use keywords too often or too little. If you look unnatural, your rankings will suffer as a result. So, what did we learn here? Basically that the key to ranking highly in the search engines is to understand what the top 5 websites in your niche are doing and to apply this to your own website optimization. What do you do now? Get out there and start getting inbound links for your site. Add quality content to your site daily. And be sure that your on-site optimization, such as keyword density, is similar to that of your top competitors. Continue to do this every day and you will be ranking at the top of the search engines before you know it.

Diabetic Corner
Diabetic Diets
Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
Medical Illness
Medical Supply
Medical Supply Online

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sponges, Gauze

Surgical Sponges
With approximately 20 million operations done in the United States annually, Port estimates RF Surgical could require its unnamed contract manufacturing facilities in China to produce about a billion tags each year to meet demand. And at a cost of about $50 for the tagged surgical sponges and gauze per operating procedure that could protect patients, the technology could catch on quick. Click here to read more.
Curity Gauze Sponge
Curity Pad ABD 10x12 IN
Dressing Sponge Sterile
Non-Sterile Gauze Dressings

Rolls, Non-woven

Rolls, Non-woven
Applying a dressing is a first aid skill, although many people undertake the practice with no training - especially on minor wounds. Modern dressings will almost all come in a prepackaged sterile wrapping, date coded to ensure sterility, this is due to the fact that it will come in to direct contact with the wound, and sterility is required in order to fulfil the 'Protection from infection' aim of a dressing. To read more please Click here.
Conform Stretch Bandage
Soft Conforming Roll

Rolls, Gauze

Rolls, Gauze
A dressing is an adjunct used by a person for application to a wound in order to promote healing and/or prevent further harm. A dressing is designed to be in direct contact with the wound, which makes it different to a bandage, which is primarily used to hold a dressing in place. To read more click here.
Conform Roll N/S 1 IN x 75 IN
Krimped Gauze Roll
Medi-Stretch Comforming Bandage

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Vascular Access Devices

In today's society time seems to be more important than ever and nobody likes wasting it. As a result online shopping has become incredibly popular. Of course, online shopping is popular not only because it saves time but it also allows you to find the items you are looking for at the lowest price. For example, if you are shopping for medical supplies online you will be able to search out the medical imaging supplies that are the cheapest and of the highest quality. When you are shopping for medical supplies over the Internet you can really save yourself a lot of money if you know what prices you are accustomed to paying and can compare them to the online shopping prices. Don't forget to include shipping to get a total amount so you will know how to make a good comparison. Click here to read more.
Vascular Access Devices
Gripper Needles
Safety Wing Set 20g x 3/4
I.V. Administration

IV Start / Dressing Kits

IV Start / Dressing Kits

In today's society time seems to be more important than ever and nobody likes wasting it. As a result online shopping has become incredibly popular. Of course, online shopping is popular not only because it saves time but it also allows you to find the items you are looking for at the lowest price. For example, if you are shopping for medical supplies online you will be able to search out the medical imaging supplies that are the cheapest and of the highest quality. When you are shopping for medical supplies over the Internet you can really save yourself a lot of money if you know what prices you are accustomed to paying and can compare them to the online shopping prices. Don't forget to include shipping to get a total amount so you will know how to make a good comparison. Click here to learn more.
IV Start Kit Non Latx
Dressing Change Kit Soft Tray

IV Solutions

IV Solutions
Trophamine 500ml 6pcnt
In today's society time seems to be more important than ever and nobody likes wasting it. As a result online shopping has become incredibly popular. Of course, online shopping is popular not only because it saves time but it also allows you to find the items you are looking for at the lowest price. For example, if you are shopping for medical supplies online you will be able to search out the medical imaging supplies that are the cheapest and of the highest quality. When you are shopping for medical supplies over the Internet you can really save yourself a lot of money if you know what prices you are accustomed to paying and can compare them to the online shopping prices. Don't forget to include shipping to get a total amount so you will know how to make a good comparison. Click here to read more.

IV Pumps / Accessories

IV Pumps / Accessories

Homepump Eclipse Disposable Elastomeric Infusion Devices
IV Pumps And Accessories
Pharmacy Add Mixture Devices
In today's society time seems to be more important than ever and nobody likes wasting it. As a result online shopping has become incredibly popular. Of course, online shopping is popular not only because it saves time but it also allows you to find the items you are looking for at the lowest price. For example, if you are shopping for medical supplies online you will be able to search out the medical imaging supplies that are the cheapest and of the highest quality. When you are shopping for medical supplies over the Internet you can really save yourself a lot of money if you know what prices you are accustomed to paying and can compare them to the online shopping prices. Don't forget to include shipping to get a total amount so you will know how to make a good comparison. Click here to read more.

IV Poles

IV Poles

5 Legs I.V. Pole

In today's society time seems to be more important than ever and nobody likes wasting it. As a result online shopping has become incredibly popular. Of course, online shopping is popular not only because it saves time but it also allows you to find the items you are looking for at the lowest price. For example, if you are shopping for medical supplies online you will be able to search out the medical imaging supplies that are the cheapest and of the highest quality. When you are shopping for medical supplies over the Internet you can really save yourself a lot of money if you know what prices you are accustomed to paying and can compare them to the online shopping prices. Don't forget to include shipping to get a total amount so you will know how to make a good comparison. Click here to read more.
Wheelchair IV Pole

IV Needles / Catheters

IV Needles / Catheters
In today's society time seems to be more important than ever and nobody likes wasting it. As a result online shopping has become incredibly popular. Of course, online shopping is popular not only because it saves time but it also allows you to find the items you are looking for at the lowest price. For example, if you are shopping for medical supplies online you will be able to search out the medical imaging supplies that are the cheapest and of the highest quality. When you are shopping for medical supplies over the Internet you can really save yourself a lot of money if you know what prices you are accustomed to paying and can compare them to the online shopping prices. Don't forget to include shipping to get a total amount so you will know how to make a good comparison. To learn more please click here.
CLAVE Multi-Dose Vial Access Spike
Intrasyte Autoguard 3 Fr
Vacutainer Ndl Hldr Single US

IV Miscellaneous Products

IV Miscellaneous Products

TPN Compounder Bag
Empty Container
Empty Intravia Containers
Cooler Box
In today's society time seems to be more important than ever and nobody likes wasting it. As a result online shopping has become incredibly popular. Of course, online shopping is popular not only because it saves time but it also allows you to find the items you are looking for at the lowest price. For example, if you are shopping for medical supplies online you will be able to search out the medical imaging supplies that are the cheapest and of the highest quality. When you are shopping for medical supplies over the Internet you can really save yourself a lot of money if you know what prices you are accustomed to paying and can compare them to the online shopping prices. Don't forget to include shipping to get a total amount so you will know how to make a good comparison. To read more please click here.

IV Flush / Meds

IV Flush / Meds

The next time you go to the doctor and you leave with a long list of medical supplies you need from band aids to walkers you should just take a moment to surf the web and see what comparable prices are. Call your local pharmacy and find out what they charge and compare it to the prices you find online. To read more click here please.
Heparin 100u 3ml/10ml
Saline 10ml/12ml Flush

Thursday, September 13, 2007

IV Dressings

IV Dressings
Biopatch Antimicrobial Dressing
Surgilast 5 1/2 in
In today's society time seems to be more important than ever and nobody likes wasting it. As a result online shopping has become incredibly popular. Of course, online shopping is popular not only because it saves time but it also allows you to find the items you are looking for at the lowest price.
Learn more about medical supply click here.

IV Blood Collection

IV Blood Collection

Blood Collection Devices

Medical Supply

In today's society time seems to be more important than ever and nobody likes wasting it. As a result online shopping has become incredibly popular. Of course, online shopping is popular not only because it saves time but it also allows you to find the items you are looking for at the lowest price. To Learn more please click here.

IV Admin / Irrigation Sets / Accessories

IV Admin / Irrigation Sets / Accessories
In today's society time seems to be more important than ever and nobody likes wasting it. As a result online shopping has become incredibly popular. Of course, online shopping is popular not only because it saves time but it also allows you to find the items you are looking for at the lowest price.
Read more about IV Admin, Irrigation Sets, Accessories click here.

DISCOFIX Stopcocks, B-Series Filtered I.V. Administration Set, I.V. Administration, Rate Flow Regulator Administration Sets.

Infusion / IV Supplies

Infusion / IV Supplies

IV Admin / Irrigation Sets / Accessories, IV Blood Collection, IV Dressings, IV Flush / Meds, IV Miscellaneous, IV Needles / Catheters, IV Poles, IV Pumps / Accessories, IV Solutions, IV Start / Dressing Kits, Vascular Access Devices.

In today's society time seems to be more important than ever and nobody likes wasting it. As a result online shopping has become incredibly popular. Of course, online shopping is popular not only because it saves time but it also allows you to find the items you are looking for at the lowest price. please click here to learn more

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pads Non-Woven

Pads Non-Woven
When nonwovens are used in the treatment (e.g., finishing) a liquid or solid lubricant is applied to the nonwoven to improve the abrasive power of the article and to prevent " ( to read more click here )

Lisco Sponge

Dressing Sponge Strlie

Pads Gauze

Pads Gauze

To learn and find out more details about Pads Gauze products please click here

CURITY Gauze Pad

Gauze Sponge

Abdominal Pad Sterile

Triple Layer Gauze Pad

Non-Adherent Pads

As is well recognized in the art, ideally a wound dressing comprising an absorbent material providing a reservoir for the wound fluids diffusing from the wound should not interfere with normal wound healing to learn more about Non-Adherent Pads please click here.

3M Medipore + Pad Soft Cloth Adhesive Wound Dressing

Non Adhesive Steril Gauze Dressing

Non-Adherent Pads

Primapore Dressing

Gauze Impregnated

Gauze Impregnated

To read about Gauze Impregnated please click here.

Non adhering Deressing

Oil Emulsion Dressing - Sterile

White Petrolatum Dressing - Sterile

Xeroform Gauze Dressing - Sterile

Vaseline Petrolatum Gauze

Core Wound Miscellaneous Products

Core Wound Miscellaneous Products

Wound Care
There are lots of ways that you can treat abrasions but this is the least fuss way and it will heal the fastest. Unfortunately the semi-permeable membrane dressings like Tegaderm are hard to find because they are not marketed to the general public. Try medical supply places. It also works well to put on the kids skinned up knees and such. To read more please click here.

Skin Staple Removal Kit


High Compression Bandage

Anoperineal Dressing

Band Aids

Band Aids

Liquid Bandage

Foam Adhesive Bandage

Adhesive Clear Bandage Assortment

To learn about wound care please click here

Attachment Devices

Attachment Devices

Horizontal Drain/Tube Attachment Device

Feeding Tube Attachment Device

Drain/Tube Attachment Device

To read Article about Attachment Devices please fallow this link here.

Adesive Strips

Adesive Strips

We tested the adhesive strength of six varieties of adhesive bandages with the TA.XT2 Texture Analyzer using a TA-220 Multiple Puncture Fixture with a TA-53 5 mm diameter punch probe. The bandages tested were 3M's Active Strip Brights Flexible Foam, Curad's Sheer Strips, Sensitive Skin, Neon Strips Flexible Fabric, Payless' Clear Bandages, and Tsumura Int'l's Kid Care Printed Adhesive Batman Bandages. All bandages were store-bought. to read more click here

Opticlude Oval Eye Patches

Coverlet Adhesive Dressing

Walker Accessories

Walker Accessories

Folding Tray

Folding Hemi Walker

Adjustable Folding Walker

COmpact Travel Walker

Learn about Walkers Click here

Rollator Accessories

Rollator Accessories

To read article on Rollator please click here

Aluminmum Rollator with Loop Brakes

Economy Rollator

Folding Compact Travel Rollator

Crutch Accessories

Crutch Accessories

Ready To Use Crutch

Crutch Mate Crutch Arm and Hand Grip Pads

To read and learn more about Crutch Accessories Click here

Ambulatory Replacement

Ambulatory Products

Find out more about Ambulatory Replacement click here

Crutch Tips

Cane Tips

Medication Helpers

Diabetic Corner

To learn and find out more about Medication Helpers please click here.

Calibrated Plastic Medicine Cup

Medi Planner II

Wallet Organizer

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Types of Urinary & Fecal Incontinence
Problems with bowel and bladder control, regardless of the cause, can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing problem. Often, people suffer needlessly because they don’t know that there are medical solutions.
Bladder control problems are divided into four types. The most effective treatments depend on the type and cause of bladder problems.

Stress incontinence
Stress incontinence is when urine leaks because of sudden pressure on your lower stomach muscles, such as when you cough, laugh, lift something or exercise. Stress incontinence usually occurs when the pelvic muscles are weakened, for example by childbirth or surgery. Stress incontinence is common in women.
Urge incontinence
This occurs when the need to urinate comes on too fast -- before you can get to a toilet. Your body may only give you a warning of a few seconds to minutes before you urinate. Urge incontinence is most common in the elderly and may be a sign of an infection in the kidneys or bladder.
Overflow incontinence
This type of incontinence is a constant dripping of urine. It's caused by an overfilled bladder. You may feel like you can't empty your bladder all the way and you may strain when urinating. This often occurs in men and can be caused by something blocking the urinary flow, such as an enlarged prostate gland or umor. Diabetes or certain medicines may also cause the problem.
Functional incontinence
This type of incontinence occurs when you have normal urine control but have trouble getting to the bathroom quickly enough. This maybe caused by such underlying conditions as arthritis or other diseases that limit you mobility.
Adult Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Drip Collectors
Pants/Briefs Reusable
Bed Wetting Devices
Feminine Hygiene
Disposable Undergarments
Disposable Briefs
Incontinence Miscellaneous
Disposable Underpads
Child Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Disposable Liners / Pads
Reusable Underpads
Childers’s Diapers
Disposable Pants
Disposable Washcloths

Incontinence supply

Incontinence Supplies

Incontinence, or bowel and bladder control problems, can be difficult to manage. Common complications of urinary or stool collection systems include infection, leakage and skin breakdown. Keeping catheters and stomas clean and well maintained can reduce these complications quite a bit.
Bladder and bowel control problems can also have a negative impact on your lifestyle. Concerns about the security of waste collection bags, leaks or odors should not limit activities you enjoy. Fortunately, many incontinence products are available that not only prevent infection or skin breakdown, but help you continue to enjoy the daily work and leisure activities you are used to.

Keeping dry
Urine and stool contain substances that can irritate and eventually damage the skin. The best treatment for skin breakdown is prevention. To keep the skin healthy and avoid breakdown, make sure that contact with urine or stool is as limited as possible. This means finding a waterproof or absorbable pad or garment to place next to your skin.
There are many choices available for comfort and security. Depending on the severity of leakage, various products can control leaks and odors. Both reusable and disposable products are available. Reusable undergarments are often made a comfortable, snugly fitting fabric and can be used with disposable liner pads for the most absorbency. Disposable products may have a more plastic feel and can make a rustling noise.
While disposable products generally cost less, you will not have to wash them repeatedly. You may find that different incontinence supplies are more suitable for different situations, and use a combination or methods to control leakage.
The most important criteria for choosing incontinence supplies is fit. Poorly fitting briefs, disposable undergarments or re-fastenable diapers are more prone to leaking as well as causing discomfort. Most suppliers offer a sampler so you can try out different products before you buy large quantities.
Incontinence Products: Click on the Category below to view:
Adult Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Drip Collectors
Pants/Briefs Reusable
Bed Wetting Devices
Feminine Hygiene
Disposable Undergarments
Disposable Briefs
Incontinence Miscellaneous
Disposable Underpads
Child Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Disposable Liners / Pads
Reusable Underpads
Childers’s Diapers
Disposable Pants
Disposable Washcloths


Incontinence: Tips for Keeping Comfortable

When bladder control problems occur, it can take a great deal of extra effort to keep comfortable. Worry about leaks and odor can discourage you from doing the things you enjoy. The first step in managing incontinence is talking with your doctor. Incontinence is not simply an embarrassing inconvenience; it is usually a medical problem.
A complete medical exam will reveal the cause of bladder and bowel control problems. Products that absorb leakage may not be your only option. In some cases medication, exercises and surgery can eliminate or reduce the problem. However, without the help of your physician, there is no way to know for sure.
Medical treatment may eliminate some, or all, of the problem. Most people still need some form of protection for accidental leaks. To find the right products, start by evaluating the amount of leakage.
One of the biggest problems related to incontinence is skin irritation and breakdown. Even with scrupulous attention to hygiene, fragile skin will be damaged if exposed to moisture and irritants in urine or stool for prolonged periods. It may seem counterintuitive, but water actually dries skin out, leading to itching and cracking. Be sure to use a moisturizer frequently. Many lotions and creams work as a barrier to seal the skin surface and prevent liquid from being absorbed. These products significantly reduce skin irritation related to incontinence, and can help prevent infection.
In addition to various undergarments and pads, keeping dry at night may require under pads for the bed. Layering absorbent and waterproof pads and bedsheets makes clean up easy. If a late night leak occurs, simply remove the top layer of damp pads and sheet, and another layer is ready underneath.
Following the popularity of self-contained odor-free disposal systems for infant diapers, a larger version for adult sized products has been introduced. This provides a sanitary and odor free way to dispose of soiled pads or undergarments.

Incontinence Products: Click on the Category below to view:
Adult Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Drip Collectors
Pants/Briefs Reusable
Bed Wetting Devices
Feminine Hygiene
Disposable Undergarments
Disposable Briefs
Incontinence Miscellaneous
Disposable Underpads
Child Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Disposable Liners / Pads
Reusable Underpads
Childers’s Diapers
Disposable Pants
Disposable Washcloths



Incontinence is the inability to control bowel movements or urination. The loss of urine or loss stool can be embarrassing and stressful. It also irritates the skin and can cause infection if scrupulous attention to hygiene is not taken. While incontinence is more common in older people, illness and injury can cause this problem in people of all ages.
Many people who suffer from bowel (fecal) or urinary incontinence don’t realize it’s a medical problem that could be improved with treatment. A complete medical assessment to determine the cause of incontinence is an important step to finding the best treatment.

Fecal Incontinence
Bowel control requires three components. A functioning anal sphincter, adequate room in the rectum to store stool until it is formed, and the sensation that the rectum is full all play a part in preventing the leakage of stool.
The most common problem that causes fecal incontinence is damage to the anal sphincter, a specialized muscle that control bowel function. The normal process of aging can cause incontinence through a combination of these factors. Chronic medical problems like diabetes, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries can cause this problem at any age. In women, muscle and nerve damage from difficult childbirth is one of the most frequent reasons for loss of bowel control. Interestingly, subtle injuries may not cause symptoms until many years later.

Urinary Incontinence
These are different types of urinary incontinence, but the causes of each are quite similar. As people get older, the muscles that support the bladder, called the pelvic floor, can become weaker. Constipation and loss of bowel sensation leads to a chronically full bowel and can impact bladder control. Neurological disorders can also cause problems with urinary control. Chronic urinary tract infections, diabetes or the effects of medications are another possible cause. Mobility problems can make it difficult to get to the bathroom quickly enough.
Gender related conditions may also contribute to poor bladder control. For men, enlargement of the prostate, or prostate treatment can interfere with urinary continence. For women, hormonal changes that occur with menopause may lead to loss of bladder control.


Knee Braces: Sports & Hinged Knee Brace

Knee brace is a type of orthosis that people wear in order to stabilize the knee joint and reduce pain.
Some people use knee braces for prevention - the most common use is to prevent knee injuries during sports. Others are prescribed after surgery in order to stabilize the knee region and control motion.
Knee braces are usually made from combinations of metal, foam, plastic, elastic material and straps. They could be custom made or come off the shelf in many sizes, colors and designs.
Knee braces work by providing compression, control and is some cases form of heat therapy to the damaged region.
Homepage > Orthopedics > Knee / Thigh / Hip Supports > Invacare Neoprene Open Knee
Invacare Neoprene Hinged Knee Support
Model Number:
Features open, reinforced patella with adjustable buttress pad. Medial and lateral stays have 170 degree hyperextension stop. Loop-lock stabilizing straps add additional compression. To size, measure around the knee cap. If the measurement is at the upper range of a size, choose the next larger size to receive the maximum support benefit. Blue.


Cervical Pillow / Cervical Neck Pillow
Cervical Pillows are neck pillows that support the neck by providing a deep area for the head to rest and a supportive area to keep the neck in alignment


Back Support / Back Brace / Lumbar Support
Motion of the thoracic or lumbar spine can often delay healing, especially in fractures or in post-operative fusions. Limiting the motion of the spine by a back support enhances the healing process and minimizes the patient's discomfort. Most common injury that back supports are prescribed in is whiplash injury associated with car or work-related injuries. Most common area that the injury occurs at is the lumber area of the back or at the lumbo sacral junction.
There are basically two types of braces are typically used:
Corset or Elastic Back Supports:
An elastic brace that limits forward motion of the spine is helpful in allowing fusions or healing to set in. People with jobs that require heavy lifting to remind them of proper lifting technique also often wear this type of support.
Rigid Plastic or Metal Brace:
These braces are form-fitting plastic molds that restrict spine motion by as much as 60%.

Canes, Crutches, Walkers, Scooters, Scooter accessories, Wheelchairs, Wheelchair cushions, Wheelchair accessories, Pride Mobility Scooters, and other durable medical equipment

Diabetic Equipment, Diabetes Supply, Insulin products, insulin syringes, diabetesblood sugar strips, lancets and other diabetic testing supplies

Tens Units, Tens unit electrodes, electric heating pads, moist-heat heating pads and other Pain Management equipment and supplies

Blood Pressure Monitors, blood pressure cuffs and supplies, Thermometers, Breast Pumps and breast pump supplies.

Adult incontinence briefs, incontinence pads and other adult Urinary Incontinence Supplies

Ostomy pouches, wafers, pastes, Ostomy adhesives, catheters, Ostomy belts, skin care and other Ostomy supplies

Cervical Collars, Cervical Pillows, Neck and Back Lumbar Cushions, Shoulder braces, Back Supports, Knee Braces and other orthopedic splints, Orthosis, supplies and orthopedic appliances

Air Cleaners, Air Purifiers, Nebulizers, Oxygen Concentrators, Oxygen Compressors, O2 Cylinders, BIPAP/ CPAP machines, BIPAP/ CPAP masks and other discount respiratory therapy supplies and respiratory equipment

Back Support, Back Brace, Lumbar Support, Back Support Belt, Back Support Brace car lumbar back child support, back support pillow, back support cushion, lower back support posture, back support chair, upper back support bra, maternity back support product, orthopedic back brace magnetic.

Ambulatory Products

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Standard Canes, Tripod canes, Folding Seat Cane, Aluminum Adjustable Canes , Quad canes, Wood Crutches, Aluminum Crutches, Crutch tips, Rollators, Standard Walkers, Heavy Duty Walkers, Hemi Walkers, Dual release wheeled walkers and all walker accessories.
Ambulatory Products

Cane Accessories
Rollator Accessories
Ambulatory Replacement
Crutch Accessories
Walker Accessories

There are several different types of crutches:
Under-arm Crutches:
These are the most common type in the United States, and are used most often by people with temporary disability or injury. Placing the pads under the armpits and holding the grip, which is below and parallel to the armpit pad uses these. These are sometimes known as axillary crutches.
Forearm Crutches:
These are the most common type in Europe, but used in the US almost exclusively by people with permanent disabilities. Slipping the arm into a cuff and holding the grip use these. At least in the US, these are sometimes referred to as Canadian crutches.
Platform Crutches
These are less common and used by those with poor hand grip (due to arthritis, cerebral palsy, etc.). The arm rests on a horizontal platform and is strapped in place.

Respiratory Products

Sleap Apnea, COPD and CPAP/BiPAP Machines

Conditions such as sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and acute respiratory failure are sometimes treated with CPAP positive airway pressure or CPAP. CPAP machine involves using a mask over the nose, mouth (or both) during the night. A flow of pressurized air is blown through the mask to keep the lungs ventilated.

Some patients, however, are not able to follow the CPAP treatment because of shortness of breath. In other words, they find it difficult to breathe out against the continuous positive pressure of the air in CPAP. The alternative is a bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP).

While CPAP provides one pressure, BiPAP provides two:

Higher pressure during inhalation (IPAP)
Lower pressure during exhalation (EPAP)

BiPAP has different benefits, depending on the condition of the patient. A patient with chronic respiratory failure, for example, benefits from the BiPAP because the IPAP unloads the diaphragm and makes breathing easier. In the same way, patients with obstructive sleep apnea adapt better to the IPAP and EPAP settings of BiPAP and achieve a better sleep.

Comfort is an important factor during the use of CPAP and bipap because it improves compliance—the number of hours per night that the device is used. The longer CPAP and BiPAP are used every night, the better results a patient will obtain. At the beginning of the treatment, some people may find the mask uncomfortable, but they must keep trying because it takes some time to get used to it. Fortunately, there are different types of mask available that will fit their particular face shape.

CPAP and BiPAP are only for treatment—they do not cure respiratory problems. Depending on the condition, a cure may require surgery or other medical interventions. CPAP and BiPAP, however, can eliminate the complications of respiratory problems, while avoiding high-risk interventions.

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