Types of Urinary & Fecal Incontinence
Problems with bowel and bladder control, regardless of the cause, can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing problem. Often, people suffer needlessly because they don’t know that there are medical solutions.
Bladder control problems are divided into four types. The most effective treatments depend on the type and cause of bladder problems.
Stress incontinence
Stress incontinence is when urine leaks because of sudden pressure on your lower stomach muscles, such as when you cough, laugh, lift something or exercise. Stress incontinence usually occurs when the pelvic muscles are weakened, for example by childbirth or surgery. Stress incontinence is common in women.
Urge incontinence
This occurs when the need to urinate comes on too fast -- before you can get to a toilet. Your body may only give you a warning of a few seconds to minutes before you urinate. Urge incontinence is most common in the elderly and may be a sign of an infection in the kidneys or bladder.
Overflow incontinence
This type of incontinence is a constant dripping of urine. It's caused by an overfilled bladder. You may feel like you can't empty your bladder all the way and you may strain when urinating. This often occurs in men and can be caused by something blocking the urinary flow, such as an enlarged prostate gland or umor. Diabetes or certain medicines may also cause the problem.
Functional incontinence
This type of incontinence occurs when you have normal urine control but have trouble getting to the bathroom quickly enough. This maybe caused by such underlying conditions as arthritis or other diseases that limit you mobility.
Adult Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Drip Collectors
Pants/Briefs Reusable
Bed Wetting Devices
Feminine Hygiene
Disposable Undergarments
Disposable Briefs
Incontinence Miscellaneous
Disposable Underpads
Child Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Disposable Liners / Pads
Reusable Underpads
Childers’s Diapers
Disposable Pants
Disposable Washcloths
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Incontinence supply
Incontinence Supplies
Incontinence, or bowel and bladder control problems, can be difficult to manage. Common complications of urinary or stool collection systems include infection, leakage and skin breakdown. Keeping catheters and stomas clean and well maintained can reduce these complications quite a bit.
Bladder and bowel control problems can also have a negative impact on your lifestyle. Concerns about the security of waste collection bags, leaks or odors should not limit activities you enjoy. Fortunately, many incontinence products are available that not only prevent infection or skin breakdown, but help you continue to enjoy the daily work and leisure activities you are used to.
Keeping dry
Urine and stool contain substances that can irritate and eventually damage the skin. The best treatment for skin breakdown is prevention. To keep the skin healthy and avoid breakdown, make sure that contact with urine or stool is as limited as possible. This means finding a waterproof or absorbable pad or garment to place next to your skin.
There are many choices available for comfort and security. Depending on the severity of leakage, various products can control leaks and odors. Both reusable and disposable products are available. Reusable undergarments are often made a comfortable, snugly fitting fabric and can be used with disposable liner pads for the most absorbency. Disposable products may have a more plastic feel and can make a rustling noise.
While disposable products generally cost less, you will not have to wash them repeatedly. You may find that different incontinence supplies are more suitable for different situations, and use a combination or methods to control leakage.
The most important criteria for choosing incontinence supplies is fit. Poorly fitting briefs, disposable undergarments or re-fastenable diapers are more prone to leaking as well as causing discomfort. Most suppliers offer a sampler so you can try out different products before you buy large quantities.
Incontinence Products: Click on the Category below to view:
Adult Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Drip Collectors
Pants/Briefs Reusable
Bed Wetting Devices
Feminine Hygiene
Disposable Undergarments
Disposable Briefs
Incontinence Miscellaneous
Disposable Underpads
Child Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Disposable Liners / Pads
Reusable Underpads
Childers’s Diapers
Disposable Pants
Disposable Washcloths
Incontinence, or bowel and bladder control problems, can be difficult to manage. Common complications of urinary or stool collection systems include infection, leakage and skin breakdown. Keeping catheters and stomas clean and well maintained can reduce these complications quite a bit.
Bladder and bowel control problems can also have a negative impact on your lifestyle. Concerns about the security of waste collection bags, leaks or odors should not limit activities you enjoy. Fortunately, many incontinence products are available that not only prevent infection or skin breakdown, but help you continue to enjoy the daily work and leisure activities you are used to.
Keeping dry
Urine and stool contain substances that can irritate and eventually damage the skin. The best treatment for skin breakdown is prevention. To keep the skin healthy and avoid breakdown, make sure that contact with urine or stool is as limited as possible. This means finding a waterproof or absorbable pad or garment to place next to your skin.
There are many choices available for comfort and security. Depending on the severity of leakage, various products can control leaks and odors. Both reusable and disposable products are available. Reusable undergarments are often made a comfortable, snugly fitting fabric and can be used with disposable liner pads for the most absorbency. Disposable products may have a more plastic feel and can make a rustling noise.
While disposable products generally cost less, you will not have to wash them repeatedly. You may find that different incontinence supplies are more suitable for different situations, and use a combination or methods to control leakage.
The most important criteria for choosing incontinence supplies is fit. Poorly fitting briefs, disposable undergarments or re-fastenable diapers are more prone to leaking as well as causing discomfort. Most suppliers offer a sampler so you can try out different products before you buy large quantities.
Incontinence Products: Click on the Category below to view:
Adult Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Drip Collectors
Pants/Briefs Reusable
Bed Wetting Devices
Feminine Hygiene
Disposable Undergarments
Disposable Briefs
Incontinence Miscellaneous
Disposable Underpads
Child Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Disposable Liners / Pads
Reusable Underpads
Childers’s Diapers
Disposable Pants
Disposable Washcloths
Incontinence: Tips for Keeping Comfortable
When bladder control problems occur, it can take a great deal of extra effort to keep comfortable. Worry about leaks and odor can discourage you from doing the things you enjoy. The first step in managing incontinence is talking with your doctor. Incontinence is not simply an embarrassing inconvenience; it is usually a medical problem.
A complete medical exam will reveal the cause of bladder and bowel control problems. Products that absorb leakage may not be your only option. In some cases medication, exercises and surgery can eliminate or reduce the problem. However, without the help of your physician, there is no way to know for sure.
Medical treatment may eliminate some, or all, of the problem. Most people still need some form of protection for accidental leaks. To find the right products, start by evaluating the amount of leakage.
One of the biggest problems related to incontinence is skin irritation and breakdown. Even with scrupulous attention to hygiene, fragile skin will be damaged if exposed to moisture and irritants in urine or stool for prolonged periods. It may seem counterintuitive, but water actually dries skin out, leading to itching and cracking. Be sure to use a moisturizer frequently. Many lotions and creams work as a barrier to seal the skin surface and prevent liquid from being absorbed. These products significantly reduce skin irritation related to incontinence, and can help prevent infection.
In addition to various undergarments and pads, keeping dry at night may require under pads for the bed. Layering absorbent and waterproof pads and bedsheets makes clean up easy. If a late night leak occurs, simply remove the top layer of damp pads and sheet, and another layer is ready underneath.
Following the popularity of self-contained odor-free disposal systems for infant diapers, a larger version for adult sized products has been introduced. This provides a sanitary and odor free way to dispose of soiled pads or undergarments.
Incontinence Products: Click on the Category below to view:
Adult Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Drip Collectors
Pants/Briefs Reusable
Bed Wetting Devices
Feminine Hygiene
Disposable Undergarments
Disposable Briefs
Incontinence Miscellaneous
Disposable Underpads
Child Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Disposable Liners / Pads
Reusable Underpads
Childers’s Diapers
Disposable Pants
Disposable Washcloths
When bladder control problems occur, it can take a great deal of extra effort to keep comfortable. Worry about leaks and odor can discourage you from doing the things you enjoy. The first step in managing incontinence is talking with your doctor. Incontinence is not simply an embarrassing inconvenience; it is usually a medical problem.
A complete medical exam will reveal the cause of bladder and bowel control problems. Products that absorb leakage may not be your only option. In some cases medication, exercises and surgery can eliminate or reduce the problem. However, without the help of your physician, there is no way to know for sure.
Medical treatment may eliminate some, or all, of the problem. Most people still need some form of protection for accidental leaks. To find the right products, start by evaluating the amount of leakage.
One of the biggest problems related to incontinence is skin irritation and breakdown. Even with scrupulous attention to hygiene, fragile skin will be damaged if exposed to moisture and irritants in urine or stool for prolonged periods. It may seem counterintuitive, but water actually dries skin out, leading to itching and cracking. Be sure to use a moisturizer frequently. Many lotions and creams work as a barrier to seal the skin surface and prevent liquid from being absorbed. These products significantly reduce skin irritation related to incontinence, and can help prevent infection.
In addition to various undergarments and pads, keeping dry at night may require under pads for the bed. Layering absorbent and waterproof pads and bedsheets makes clean up easy. If a late night leak occurs, simply remove the top layer of damp pads and sheet, and another layer is ready underneath.
Following the popularity of self-contained odor-free disposal systems for infant diapers, a larger version for adult sized products has been introduced. This provides a sanitary and odor free way to dispose of soiled pads or undergarments.
Incontinence Products: Click on the Category below to view:
Adult Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Drip Collectors
Pants/Briefs Reusable
Bed Wetting Devices
Feminine Hygiene
Disposable Undergarments
Disposable Briefs
Incontinence Miscellaneous
Disposable Underpads
Child Protective Underwear Pull Ups
Disposable Liners / Pads
Reusable Underpads
Childers’s Diapers
Disposable Pants
Disposable Washcloths
Incontinence is the inability to control bowel movements or urination. The loss of urine or loss stool can be embarrassing and stressful. It also irritates the skin and can cause infection if scrupulous attention to hygiene is not taken. While incontinence is more common in older people, illness and injury can cause this problem in people of all ages.
Many people who suffer from bowel (fecal) or urinary incontinence don’t realize it’s a medical problem that could be improved with treatment. A complete medical assessment to determine the cause of incontinence is an important step to finding the best treatment.
Fecal Incontinence
Bowel control requires three components. A functioning anal sphincter, adequate room in the rectum to store stool until it is formed, and the sensation that the rectum is full all play a part in preventing the leakage of stool.
The most common problem that causes fecal incontinence is damage to the anal sphincter, a specialized muscle that control bowel function. The normal process of aging can cause incontinence through a combination of these factors. Chronic medical problems like diabetes, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries can cause this problem at any age. In women, muscle and nerve damage from difficult childbirth is one of the most frequent reasons for loss of bowel control. Interestingly, subtle injuries may not cause symptoms until many years later.
Urinary Incontinence
These are different types of urinary incontinence, but the causes of each are quite similar. As people get older, the muscles that support the bladder, called the pelvic floor, can become weaker. Constipation and loss of bowel sensation leads to a chronically full bowel and can impact bladder control. Neurological disorders can also cause problems with urinary control. Chronic urinary tract infections, diabetes or the effects of medications are another possible cause. Mobility problems can make it difficult to get to the bathroom quickly enough.
Gender related conditions may also contribute to poor bladder control. For men, enlargement of the prostate, or prostate treatment can interfere with urinary continence. For women, hormonal changes that occur with menopause may lead to loss of bladder control.
Incontinence is the inability to control bowel movements or urination. The loss of urine or loss stool can be embarrassing and stressful. It also irritates the skin and can cause infection if scrupulous attention to hygiene is not taken. While incontinence is more common in older people, illness and injury can cause this problem in people of all ages.
Many people who suffer from bowel (fecal) or urinary incontinence don’t realize it’s a medical problem that could be improved with treatment. A complete medical assessment to determine the cause of incontinence is an important step to finding the best treatment.
Fecal Incontinence
Bowel control requires three components. A functioning anal sphincter, adequate room in the rectum to store stool until it is formed, and the sensation that the rectum is full all play a part in preventing the leakage of stool.
The most common problem that causes fecal incontinence is damage to the anal sphincter, a specialized muscle that control bowel function. The normal process of aging can cause incontinence through a combination of these factors. Chronic medical problems like diabetes, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries can cause this problem at any age. In women, muscle and nerve damage from difficult childbirth is one of the most frequent reasons for loss of bowel control. Interestingly, subtle injuries may not cause symptoms until many years later.
Urinary Incontinence
These are different types of urinary incontinence, but the causes of each are quite similar. As people get older, the muscles that support the bladder, called the pelvic floor, can become weaker. Constipation and loss of bowel sensation leads to a chronically full bowel and can impact bladder control. Neurological disorders can also cause problems with urinary control. Chronic urinary tract infections, diabetes or the effects of medications are another possible cause. Mobility problems can make it difficult to get to the bathroom quickly enough.
Gender related conditions may also contribute to poor bladder control. For men, enlargement of the prostate, or prostate treatment can interfere with urinary continence. For women, hormonal changes that occur with menopause may lead to loss of bladder control.
Knee Braces: Sports & Hinged Knee Brace
Knee brace is a type of orthosis that people wear in order to stabilize the knee joint and reduce pain.
Some people use knee braces for prevention - the most common use is to prevent knee injuries during sports. Others are prescribed after surgery in order to stabilize the knee region and control motion.
Knee braces are usually made from combinations of metal, foam, plastic, elastic material and straps. They could be custom made or come off the shelf in many sizes, colors and designs.
Knee braces work by providing compression, control and is some cases form of heat therapy to the damaged region.
Homepage > Orthopedics > Knee / Thigh / Hip Supports > Invacare Neoprene Open Knee
Invacare Neoprene Hinged Knee Support
Model Number:
Features open, reinforced patella with adjustable buttress pad. Medial and lateral stays have 170 degree hyperextension stop. Loop-lock stabilizing straps add additional compression. To size, measure around the knee cap. If the measurement is at the upper range of a size, choose the next larger size to receive the maximum support benefit. Blue.
Knee brace is a type of orthosis that people wear in order to stabilize the knee joint and reduce pain.
Some people use knee braces for prevention - the most common use is to prevent knee injuries during sports. Others are prescribed after surgery in order to stabilize the knee region and control motion.
Knee braces are usually made from combinations of metal, foam, plastic, elastic material and straps. They could be custom made or come off the shelf in many sizes, colors and designs.
Knee braces work by providing compression, control and is some cases form of heat therapy to the damaged region.
Homepage > Orthopedics > Knee / Thigh / Hip Supports > Invacare Neoprene Open Knee
Invacare Neoprene Hinged Knee Support
Model Number:
Features open, reinforced patella with adjustable buttress pad. Medial and lateral stays have 170 degree hyperextension stop. Loop-lock stabilizing straps add additional compression. To size, measure around the knee cap. If the measurement is at the upper range of a size, choose the next larger size to receive the maximum support benefit. Blue.
Cervical Pillow / Cervical Neck Pillow
Cervical Pillows are neck pillows that support the neck by providing a deep area for the head to rest and a supportive area to keep the neck in alignment
Cervical Pillows are neck pillows that support the neck by providing a deep area for the head to rest and a supportive area to keep the neck in alignment
Back Support / Back Brace / Lumbar Support
Motion of the thoracic or lumbar spine can often delay healing, especially in fractures or in post-operative fusions. Limiting the motion of the spine by a back support enhances the healing process and minimizes the patient's discomfort. Most common injury that back supports are prescribed in is whiplash injury associated with car or work-related injuries. Most common area that the injury occurs at is the lumber area of the back or at the lumbo sacral junction.
There are basically two types of braces are typically used:
Corset or Elastic Back Supports:
An elastic brace that limits forward motion of the spine is helpful in allowing fusions or healing to set in. People with jobs that require heavy lifting to remind them of proper lifting technique also often wear this type of support.
Rigid Plastic or Metal Brace:
These braces are form-fitting plastic molds that restrict spine motion by as much as 60%.
Canes, Crutches, Walkers, Scooters, Scooter accessories, Wheelchairs, Wheelchair cushions, Wheelchair accessories, Pride Mobility Scooters, and other durable medical equipment
Diabetic Equipment, Diabetes Supply, Insulin products, insulin syringes, diabetesblood sugar strips, lancets and other diabetic testing supplies
Tens Units, Tens unit electrodes, electric heating pads, moist-heat heating pads and other Pain Management equipment and supplies
Blood Pressure Monitors, blood pressure cuffs and supplies, Thermometers, Breast Pumps and breast pump supplies.
Adult incontinence briefs, incontinence pads and other adult Urinary Incontinence Supplies
Ostomy pouches, wafers, pastes, Ostomy adhesives, catheters, Ostomy belts, skin care and other Ostomy supplies
Cervical Collars, Cervical Pillows, Neck and Back Lumbar Cushions, Shoulder braces, Back Supports, Knee Braces and other orthopedic splints, Orthosis, supplies and orthopedic appliances
Air Cleaners, Air Purifiers, Nebulizers, Oxygen Concentrators, Oxygen Compressors, O2 Cylinders, BIPAP/ CPAP machines, BIPAP/ CPAP masks and other discount respiratory therapy supplies and respiratory equipment
Back Support, Back Brace, Lumbar Support, Back Support Belt, Back Support Brace car lumbar back child support, back support pillow, back support cushion, lower back support posture, back support chair, upper back support bra, maternity back support product, orthopedic back brace magnetic.
Motion of the thoracic or lumbar spine can often delay healing, especially in fractures or in post-operative fusions. Limiting the motion of the spine by a back support enhances the healing process and minimizes the patient's discomfort. Most common injury that back supports are prescribed in is whiplash injury associated with car or work-related injuries. Most common area that the injury occurs at is the lumber area of the back or at the lumbo sacral junction.
There are basically two types of braces are typically used:
Corset or Elastic Back Supports:
An elastic brace that limits forward motion of the spine is helpful in allowing fusions or healing to set in. People with jobs that require heavy lifting to remind them of proper lifting technique also often wear this type of support.
Rigid Plastic or Metal Brace:
These braces are form-fitting plastic molds that restrict spine motion by as much as 60%.
Canes, Crutches, Walkers, Scooters, Scooter accessories, Wheelchairs, Wheelchair cushions, Wheelchair accessories, Pride Mobility Scooters, and other durable medical equipment
Diabetic Equipment, Diabetes Supply, Insulin products, insulin syringes, diabetesblood sugar strips, lancets and other diabetic testing supplies
Tens Units, Tens unit electrodes, electric heating pads, moist-heat heating pads and other Pain Management equipment and supplies
Blood Pressure Monitors, blood pressure cuffs and supplies, Thermometers, Breast Pumps and breast pump supplies.
Adult incontinence briefs, incontinence pads and other adult Urinary Incontinence Supplies
Ostomy pouches, wafers, pastes, Ostomy adhesives, catheters, Ostomy belts, skin care and other Ostomy supplies
Cervical Collars, Cervical Pillows, Neck and Back Lumbar Cushions, Shoulder braces, Back Supports, Knee Braces and other orthopedic splints, Orthosis, supplies and orthopedic appliances
Air Cleaners, Air Purifiers, Nebulizers, Oxygen Concentrators, Oxygen Compressors, O2 Cylinders, BIPAP/ CPAP machines, BIPAP/ CPAP masks and other discount respiratory therapy supplies and respiratory equipment
Back Support, Back Brace, Lumbar Support, Back Support Belt, Back Support Brace car lumbar back child support, back support pillow, back support cushion, lower back support posture, back support chair, upper back support bra, maternity back support product, orthopedic back brace magnetic.
Ambulatory Products
Shop with us online 24 hours 7 days a week and Save on:
Standard Canes, Tripod canes, Folding Seat Cane, Aluminum Adjustable Canes , Quad canes, Wood Crutches, Aluminum Crutches, Crutch tips, Rollators, Standard Walkers, Heavy Duty Walkers, Hemi Walkers, Dual release wheeled walkers and all walker accessories.
Ambulatory Products
Cane Accessories
Rollator Accessories
Ambulatory Replacement
Crutch Accessories
Walker Accessories
There are several different types of crutches:
Under-arm Crutches:
These are the most common type in the United States, and are used most often by people with temporary disability or injury. Placing the pads under the armpits and holding the grip, which is below and parallel to the armpit pad uses these. These are sometimes known as axillary crutches.
Forearm Crutches:
These are the most common type in Europe, but used in the US almost exclusively by people with permanent disabilities. Slipping the arm into a cuff and holding the grip use these. At least in the US, these are sometimes referred to as Canadian crutches.
Platform Crutches
These are less common and used by those with poor hand grip (due to arthritis, cerebral palsy, etc.). The arm rests on a horizontal platform and is strapped in place.
Standard Canes, Tripod canes, Folding Seat Cane, Aluminum Adjustable Canes , Quad canes, Wood Crutches, Aluminum Crutches, Crutch tips, Rollators, Standard Walkers, Heavy Duty Walkers, Hemi Walkers, Dual release wheeled walkers and all walker accessories.
Ambulatory Products
Cane Accessories
Rollator Accessories
Ambulatory Replacement
Crutch Accessories
Walker Accessories
There are several different types of crutches:
Under-arm Crutches:
These are the most common type in the United States, and are used most often by people with temporary disability or injury. Placing the pads under the armpits and holding the grip, which is below and parallel to the armpit pad uses these. These are sometimes known as axillary crutches.
Forearm Crutches:
These are the most common type in Europe, but used in the US almost exclusively by people with permanent disabilities. Slipping the arm into a cuff and holding the grip use these. At least in the US, these are sometimes referred to as Canadian crutches.
Platform Crutches
These are less common and used by those with poor hand grip (due to arthritis, cerebral palsy, etc.). The arm rests on a horizontal platform and is strapped in place.
Respiratory Products
Sleap Apnea, COPD and CPAP/BiPAP Machines
Conditions such as sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and acute respiratory failure are sometimes treated with CPAP positive airway pressure or CPAP. CPAP machine involves using a mask over the nose, mouth (or both) during the night. A flow of pressurized air is blown through the mask to keep the lungs ventilated.
Some patients, however, are not able to follow the CPAP treatment because of shortness of breath. In other words, they find it difficult to breathe out against the continuous positive pressure of the air in CPAP. The alternative is a bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP).
While CPAP provides one pressure, BiPAP provides two:
Higher pressure during inhalation (IPAP)
Lower pressure during exhalation (EPAP)
BiPAP has different benefits, depending on the condition of the patient. A patient with chronic respiratory failure, for example, benefits from the BiPAP because the IPAP unloads the diaphragm and makes breathing easier. In the same way, patients with obstructive sleep apnea adapt better to the IPAP and EPAP settings of BiPAP and achieve a better sleep.
Comfort is an important factor during the use of CPAP and bipap because it improves compliance—the number of hours per night that the device is used. The longer CPAP and BiPAP are used every night, the better results a patient will obtain. At the beginning of the treatment, some people may find the mask uncomfortable, but they must keep trying because it takes some time to get used to it. Fortunately, there are different types of mask available that will fit their particular face shape.
CPAP and BiPAP are only for treatment—they do not cure respiratory problems. Depending on the condition, a cure may require surgery or other medical interventions. CPAP and BiPAP, however, can eliminate the complications of respiratory problems, while avoiding high-risk interventions.
Homepage > Respiratory >
Air Cleaners Accessories
CPAP/BIPAP/ Accessories
Respiratory Irrigation Solutions
Allergy Care / Accessories
Cylinders Regulators / Accessories
Respiratory Miscellaneous
Compressors / Nebs / Accessories
Disposable Oxygen Products
Spacer Devices / Accessories
Concentrators / Accessories
Peak Flow Meters / Accessories
Conditions such as sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and acute respiratory failure are sometimes treated with CPAP positive airway pressure or CPAP. CPAP machine involves using a mask over the nose, mouth (or both) during the night. A flow of pressurized air is blown through the mask to keep the lungs ventilated.
Some patients, however, are not able to follow the CPAP treatment because of shortness of breath. In other words, they find it difficult to breathe out against the continuous positive pressure of the air in CPAP. The alternative is a bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP).
While CPAP provides one pressure, BiPAP provides two:
Higher pressure during inhalation (IPAP)
Lower pressure during exhalation (EPAP)
BiPAP has different benefits, depending on the condition of the patient. A patient with chronic respiratory failure, for example, benefits from the BiPAP because the IPAP unloads the diaphragm and makes breathing easier. In the same way, patients with obstructive sleep apnea adapt better to the IPAP and EPAP settings of BiPAP and achieve a better sleep.
Comfort is an important factor during the use of CPAP and bipap because it improves compliance—the number of hours per night that the device is used. The longer CPAP and BiPAP are used every night, the better results a patient will obtain. At the beginning of the treatment, some people may find the mask uncomfortable, but they must keep trying because it takes some time to get used to it. Fortunately, there are different types of mask available that will fit their particular face shape.
CPAP and BiPAP are only for treatment—they do not cure respiratory problems. Depending on the condition, a cure may require surgery or other medical interventions. CPAP and BiPAP, however, can eliminate the complications of respiratory problems, while avoiding high-risk interventions.
Homepage > Respiratory >
Air Cleaners Accessories
CPAP/BIPAP/ Accessories
Respiratory Irrigation Solutions
Allergy Care / Accessories
Cylinders Regulators / Accessories
Respiratory Miscellaneous
Compressors / Nebs / Accessories
Disposable Oxygen Products
Spacer Devices / Accessories
Concentrators / Accessories
Peak Flow Meters / Accessories
Respiratory Products
Homepage > Respiratory >
Air Cleaners Accessories
CPAP/BIPAP/ Accessories
Respiratory Irrigation Solutions
Allergy Care / Accessories
Cylinders Regulators / Accessories
Respiratory Miscellaneous
Compressors / Nebs / Accessories
Disposable Oxygen Products
Spacer Devices / Accessories
Concentrators / Accessories
Peak Flow Meters / Accessories
When selecting air cleaners, consumers are influenced by several factors, including visual appeal, noise level, and frequency of filter replacement. There are many different types of filters, some can be cleaned by water, by hand or by vacuuming while others need to be replaced within a few months or a few years.
The most popular sort of filters for air purifiers is the HEPA filter. The Department of Energy has rigid requirements manufacturers must pass to meet HEPA requirements. Products that say "HEPA-type" or "HEPA-like" may not meet these requirements. HEPA requirements necessitate being able to filter out 99.97% (the percentage may vary within 2 decimals) of pollutants in the air of down to 0.3 micrometres in size.
CADR Rating ( Clean Air Delivery) is a standardized indicator of how well a particular air cleaner can function as compared to other air cleaners. The higher it is, the stronger the power of purification. CADRs are rated by AHAM, or the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, and are based on stringent requirements as produced by the association itself.
Shop with us online 24 hours 7 days a week and Save on:
Canes, Crutches, Walkers, Scooters, Scooter accessories, Wheelchairs, Wheelchair cushions, Wheelchair accessories and other durable medical equipment
Diabetic Equipment, Diabetic Machines, Insulin products, insulin syringes, diabetic strips, lancets and other diabetic testing supplies
Moist heat Packs electrodes, electric heating pads, moist-heat heating pads and other Pain Management equipment and supplies
Blood Pressure Monitors, blood pressure cuffs and supplies, Thermometers, Breast Pumps and breast pump supplies.
Adult incontinence briefs, incontinence pads and other adult Urinary Incontinence Supplies
Ostomy pouches, wafers, pastes, Ostomy adhesives, catheters, Ostomy belts, skin care and other Ostomy supplies
Cervical Collars, Neck/ Back Pillows, Shoulder braces, Back, Featured Products and other orthopedic splints, Orthosis, supplies and orthopedic appliances
Air Cleaners, Air Purifiers, Nebulizers, Oxygen Concentrators, Oxygen Compressors, O2 Cylinders, BIPAP/ CPAP machines, BIPAP/ CPAP masks and other discount respiratory therapy supplies and respiratory equipment and wound care products
Air Cleaners Accessories
CPAP/BIPAP/ Accessories
Respiratory Irrigation Solutions
Allergy Care / Accessories
Cylinders Regulators / Accessories
Respiratory Miscellaneous
Compressors / Nebs / Accessories
Disposable Oxygen Products
Spacer Devices / Accessories
Concentrators / Accessories
Peak Flow Meters / Accessories
When selecting air cleaners, consumers are influenced by several factors, including visual appeal, noise level, and frequency of filter replacement. There are many different types of filters, some can be cleaned by water, by hand or by vacuuming while others need to be replaced within a few months or a few years.
The most popular sort of filters for air purifiers is the HEPA filter. The Department of Energy has rigid requirements manufacturers must pass to meet HEPA requirements. Products that say "HEPA-type" or "HEPA-like" may not meet these requirements. HEPA requirements necessitate being able to filter out 99.97% (the percentage may vary within 2 decimals) of pollutants in the air of down to 0.3 micrometres in size.
CADR Rating ( Clean Air Delivery) is a standardized indicator of how well a particular air cleaner can function as compared to other air cleaners. The higher it is, the stronger the power of purification. CADRs are rated by AHAM, or the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, and are based on stringent requirements as produced by the association itself.
Shop with us online 24 hours 7 days a week and Save on:
Canes, Crutches, Walkers, Scooters, Scooter accessories, Wheelchairs, Wheelchair cushions, Wheelchair accessories and other durable medical equipment
Diabetic Equipment, Diabetic Machines, Insulin products, insulin syringes, diabetic strips, lancets and other diabetic testing supplies
Moist heat Packs electrodes, electric heating pads, moist-heat heating pads and other Pain Management equipment and supplies
Blood Pressure Monitors, blood pressure cuffs and supplies, Thermometers, Breast Pumps and breast pump supplies.
Adult incontinence briefs, incontinence pads and other adult Urinary Incontinence Supplies
Ostomy pouches, wafers, pastes, Ostomy adhesives, catheters, Ostomy belts, skin care and other Ostomy supplies
Cervical Collars, Neck/ Back Pillows, Shoulder braces, Back, Featured Products and other orthopedic splints, Orthosis, supplies and orthopedic appliances
Air Cleaners, Air Purifiers, Nebulizers, Oxygen Concentrators, Oxygen Compressors, O2 Cylinders, BIPAP/ CPAP machines, BIPAP/ CPAP masks and other discount respiratory therapy supplies and respiratory equipment and wound care products
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